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Théocrite, lecteur de Platon


Résumé de la thèse en français :
Théocrite, poète hellénistique du 3e siècle avant notre ère, a lu Platon et cela a été montré auparavant. Notre travail cherche à confirmer cette lecture en montrant que non seulement il s’est inspiré des Dialogues comme œuvres littéraires mais aussi qu’il a pris en compte certains enjeux philosophiques. Nous avons donc tâché de repérer les motifs et les éléments littéraires qu’il a réécrits en montrant quels pouvaient en être les enjeux chez lui.

Résumé de la thèse en anglais :
Theocritus, a Hellenistic poet of the third century BC, has read Plato and this has been shown before. Our work seeks to confirm this reading by showing that not only did he draw inspiration from the Dialogues as literary works but also that he took into account certain philosophical stakes. We therefore tried to identify the motifs and the literary elements that he rewritten by showing what might be the stakes at home.

Soutenance le samedi 25 novembre 2017

Jury : A. Balansard (Aix-Marseille) ; C. Cusset (ENS Lyon) ; H. Frangoulis (Toulouse J. Jaurès) ; M.-P. Noël (Montpellier P. Valéry) ; J.-F. Fradeau (Lyon 3 J. Moulin)

Cristiano Castelletti

It is with great sadness we are reporting the heartbreaking news of Cristiano Castelletti’s passing on October 4, 2017 in Lugano, Switzerland.

Cris was a superb philologist, a wonderful friend, a loving husband and father. His work on Flavian epic is known to all. He had published numerous articles, most recently on acrostics.

Cris had completed a draft of his commentary on the eighth book of Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica and was working on the influence of Aratus on the Flavian poets. His previous work includes a book on Porphyry.

We will always remember him for his great humor, kindness, and openness to his friends. He is survived by his wife, Beatrice, and young daughter.

Antony Augoustakis (Illinois) and Marco Fucecchi (Udine)