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Séminaire virtuel de poésie hellénistique. Autour de la féminité

Matinée :

10h00 : Massimo Giuseppetti (Université Roma Tre) : « Reading the Silence: intertextuality and Narratorial Authority in Callimachus’ Acontius and Cydippe »

10h45 : Bénédicte Delignon (ENS de Lyon) : « Quelques remarques sur Acontius et Cydippe dans les HéroïdesXX et XXI d’Ovide »

11h30 : Rafael J. Gallé Cejudo (Université de Cadix – ENS de Lyon) : « L’audace des femmes dans l’élégie hellénistique »

Après-midi :

14h00 : Myrtille Rémond (Toronto – ENS de Lyon) : « La vieille femme dans les Idylles de Théocrite »

14h45 : Christophe Cusset (ENS de Lyon) : « Enjeux de la parole féminine dans le poème Mégara attribué à Moschos »

Participer à la réunion Zoom :




16:15–16:45 h: PROF. TOMÁS SILVA SÁNCHEZ (Universidad de Cádiz) 

“Métrica griega: lápiz, papel, estadísticas y algo más” 

16:45–17:30 h: PROF. LUIS A. GUICHARD (Universidad de Salamanca) 

“Relación entre poesía y prosa en Gregorio de Nacianzo” 

17:30–18:00 h: BREVE PAUSA 

18:00–18:45 h: PROF. IRENE WEISS (Universidad de Mainz) 

“De las hamadríadas como ninfas bucólicas” 

18:45–19:15 h: PROF. CHRISTOPHE CUSSET (ENS de Lyon) 

“De la prose johannique à la poésie nonniene: les méthodes de la paraphrase poétique de Nonnos de Panopolis” 

19:15–19:45 h: PROF. RAFAEL J. GALLÉ CEJUDO (Universidad de Cádiz) 

Frustula elegiaca 

19:45–20:30 h: DEBATE 


16:15–17:00 h: PROF. M.ª PAZ LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ (Universidad de Alicante) 

“Historias de princesas en los fragmentos de la novela griega I“ 

17:00–17:45 h: PROF. CONSUELO RUIZ MONTERO (Universidad de Murcia) 

“Historias de princesas en los fragmentos de la novela griega II” 

17:45–18:15 h: BREVE PAUSA 

18:15–19:00 h: PROF. SILVIA BARBANTANI (Universidad Sacro Cuore de Milán) 

“Apollonius of Rhodes between prose and poetry” 

19:00–19:30 h: PROF. MANUEL SÁNCHEZ ORTIZ DE LANDALUCE (Universidad de Cádiz) 

“Notas sobre el σοφός en la Antología Palatina 

19:30–20:30 h: DEBATE Y CLAUSURA

Programa VI Jornadas Literatura helenistica 2019

Approches Linguistiques de la langue d’Apollonios de Rhodes

Journée d’études – Lyon, 30 septembre 2019 – ENS de Lyon -Buisson D8001


9h-9h30 : Accueil des participants

9h30-9h45 : Ouverture 

9h45-10h30 : Daniel Kölligan, Université de Cologne : « Possession and the history of the genitive in Apollonius Rhodius»

10h30-11h15 : Julia Del Treppo, Université Paris Sorbonne : « Imiter Homère : sur la tmèse chez Apollonios de Rhodes »

11h15-12h : Emmanuelle Morel, Université Lumière Lyon 2 : « Apollonios de Rhodes et le vocabulaire homérique : les  verbes en ‑ιάωet les verbes en –άωà vocalisme ō »

12h-13h30 : Pause déjeuner

13h30-14h15 : Alain Blanc, Université de Rouen Normandie, «Anthroponymes et toponymes »

14h15-15h : Maria Margherita Cardella,  Université de Milan : « Les composés nominaux à premier membre ἐν° dans les Argonautiques: entre tradition et innovation »  

15h-15h45 : Eric Dieu, Université Toulouse II :« Le meilleur et le pire chez Apollonios de Rhodes, ou de l’art d’être plus “homérique” qu’Homère »

15h45 : Clôture



Groningen Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry, September 12-14, 2017

Theme: Callimachus Revisited: New Perspectives in Callimachean Scholarship 

Location: Groningen University, The Netherlands

Organising committee: Jacqueline Klooster, RUG; Martine Cuypers, Trinity College Dublin.

The Groningen Workshops on Hellenistic Poetry have over the past 25 years provided an important venue for the presentation of new ideas in the field of Hellenistic poetry. In September 2017 the instigator and organizer of these workshops, Professor Annette Harder, will be retiring from the University of Groningen, which means that an end of the workshops in their present form is imminent.

To honor Annette Harder and fittingly celebrate her career in the service of Hellenistic poetry, whose acme has undoubtedly been the publication of a monumental new edition of Callimachus’ Aetia (OUP 2012), we are organizing a final Groningen Workshop entitled,’Callimachus Revisited’, on September 12-14, 2017. 

Callimachus formed the focus of the first Groningen workshop in 1992, and was revisited in 2002. It seems fitting to close the series by returning to this central poet once more, ask how our understanding of Callimachus has developed over the past 25 years, and consider future directions.

The workshop will co-incide with Annette Harder’s Valedictory Lecture, on 14 September, 2017. 

Unlike previous editions, there has been no open Call for Papers this year, as all speakers have been especially selected for this special occasion to reflect the history of the workshop. Confirmed speakers: Richard Hunter, James Clauss, Alex Sens, Peter Bing, Susan Stephens, Damien Nelis, Benjamin-Acosta Hughes, Adolf Köhnken, Ewen Bowie, Jackie Murray, Robert Kirstein, Jan Kwapisz, Frederick Williams, Evian Sistakou, Kathryn Gutzwiller, Floris Overduin.

To participate, as respondent to one of the papers, or as an auditor, please fill in the application form before May 31, 2017:

If you would like to respond to one of the papers, please say so in the section ‘further remarks’, and we will get in touch about the possibilities.

A conference fee of 100 euro (staff) / 50 euro (students) applies.

Should you wish any further information, please contact Sean McGrath ( or Jacqueline Klooster J.J.H.Klooster (

Groningen Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry

The Groningen Workshops on Hellenistic Poetry have over the past 25 years provided an important venue for the presentation of new ideas in the field of Hellenistic poetry. In September 2017 the instigator and organizer of these workshops, Professor Annette Harder, will be retiring from the University of Groningen, which means that an end of the workshops in their present form is imminent.

To honor Annette Harder and fittingly celebrate her career in the service of Hellenistic poetry, whose acme has undoubtedly been the publication of a monumental new edition of Callimachus’ Aetia, we are organizing a final Groningen Workshop entitled,’Callimachus Revisited’, on September 12-14, 2017. Callimachus formed the focus of the first Groningen workshop in 1992, and was revisited in 2002. It seems fitting to close the series by returning to this central poet once more, ask how our understanding of Callimachus has developed over the past 25 years, and consider future directions.

The workshop will co-incide with Annette’s Valedictory Lecture, on 14th September, 2017. Unlike previous editions, there is no open Call for Papers this year, as all speakers have been especially selected for this special occasion. But of course all are welcome to attend and help celebrate Annette’s career. The program of the workshop and other practical information will be published on the website as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Dr. Martine Cuypers (Trinity College Dublin)
Dr. Jacqueline Klooster (University of Groningen)

Overview of the Groningen Workshops on Hellenistic Poetry

  1. Callimachus (1992)
  2. Theocritus (1994)
  3. Genre in Hellenistic Poetry (1996)
  4. Apollonius Rhodius (1998)
  5. Hellenistic Epigrams (2000)
  6. Callimachus II (2002)
  7. Beyond the Canon (2004)
  8. Nature and Science in Hellenistic Poetry (2006)
  9. Gods and Religion in Hellenistic Poetry (2008)
  10. Hellenistic Poetry in Context (2010)
  11. Past and Present in Hellenistic Poetry (2013)
  12. Drama and Performance in Hellenistic Poetry (2015)

The proceedings of every workshop are published in the series ‘ Hellenistica Groningana ’ by Peeters Publishers (Leuven). The first three volumes are published by Forsten Publishing (Groningen).