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Criteria of Truth: Representations of Truth and Falsehood in Hellenistic Poetry

Kathleen Kidder

  • Éditeur ‏ : ‎ Harvard University Press (30 mai 2023)
  • Broché ‏ : ‎ 262 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0674292421
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0674292420

Amidst conflicting information and personal experiences, how can someone distinguish between truth and falsehood? Criteria of Truth: Representations of Truth and Falsehood in Hellenistic Poetry tackles this fundamental question through a study of five Hellenistic poems dated to the third and second centuries BCE: Aratus’s Phaenomena, Nicander’s Theriaca, Callimachus’s Aetia, Apollonius of Rhodes’s Argonautica, and Lycophron’s Alexandra.

Situating these poetic works in their intellectual and literary milieu, Kathleen Kidder applies the philosophic concept of the criterion of truth, arguing that each poetic persona represents a different criterion for interrogating truth and falsehood. Moreover, by analyzing the poems’ allusions, myths, and poetic language, Kidder demonstrates how this poetry can encapsulate the tensions not only between truth and falsehood, but also between order and chaos, certainty and doubt, clarity and obscurity, seen and unseen, and being and seeming.

André Hurst – Quatuor d’Alexandrins. Poètes grecs d’époque hellénistique et leur écho.

Dans le sillage des conquêtes d’Alexandre le Grand, la culture des Grecs se trouve confrontée aux cultures de l’Orient. C’est ainsi qu’au cours de la période dite « hellénistique » (de la mort d’Alexandre en -323 à celle de Cléopâtre en -30) diverses tendances sont observables : appétit de savoir, nécessité de se redéfinir, dialogue plus ou moins timide avec la culture de l’autre. C’est dans ce contexte qu’Alexandrie s’est hissée au rôle de capitale intellectuelle et que ses poètes (ici : Callimaque, Apollonios de Rhodes, Lycophron, Ezéchiel le tragique) ont innové et donné le coup d’envoi d’une influence durable  (observée ici chez Ovide dans le monde païen et chez  Grégoire de Nazianze parmi les chrétiens).

Ce livre regroupe en versions revues des études parues ces trente dernières années. André Hurst, professeur à l’Université de Genève, a publié des livres  sur Apollonios de Rhodes et Lycophron (dont une  édition de l’Alexandra de Lycophron dans la  Collection des Universités de France).

Table des matières


Première partie CALLIMAQUE

Chapitre premier
Contrepoints de Callimaque 


Chapitre II
L’énigme dans la trame : quelques allusions chez Apollonios de Rhodes

Chapitre III
Préfigurations de Médée

Chapitre IV
Géographes et poètes : le cas d’Apollonios de Rhodes 


Chapitre V
Hector chez les Bienheureux : matière de Troie et matière de Thèbes dans l’Alexandra de Lycophron 

Chapitre VI
Ézéchiel le tragique et Lycophron : vers un dialogue des cultures ? 


Chapitre VII
La stèle de l’Hélicon 

Cinquième partie ÉCHOS D’ALEXANDRIE 

Chapitre VIII 
Inspiration alexandrine dans les Métamorphoses d’Ovide 

Chapitre IX 
Saint Grégoire de Nazianze à propos de lui-même 


Index des auteurs et des œuvres 

Index des personnes 

Index des toponymes 

Index des matières 

Posidippo di Pella – Epigrammi, frammenti e testimonianze.

Valentina Garulli
Éditeur ‏ : ‎ Rusconi Libri (16 septembre 2022)
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-8818038125

La pubblicazione di un nuovo papiro nel 2001 (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309) e l’attribuzione dei suoi epigrammi a Posidippo hanno segnato uno spartiacque nella nostra conoscenza dell’autore e della sua opera, opera che si compone ora di un ‘vecchio’ e di un ‘nuovo’ Posidippo. Il corpus del poeta di Pella annovera non solo versi conservati da papiri e tavolette, ma anche versi noti per citazione nelle antologie medievali di epigrammi, l’Antologia Palatina e la Planudea, o in opere-contenitore antiche. Né manca un’iscrizione per la quale si può fare il suo nome in quanto proveniente da un contesto in cui egli ha operato ricevendo pubblici riconoscimenti. Donne, statue, presagi, pietre preziose, corse con i cavalli, e ancora naufraghi, regine, dediche, guarigioni: sono solo alcune delle tessere che compongono il mosaico poetico di Posidippo, un vortice di volti e di storie che ci restituiscono suoni, colori, emozioni della vita quotidiana del III secolo a.C.

Hellenistic Epigrams. A Selection

Alexander Sens

isbn: 9780521614818

  • Greek ‘literary’ epigrams constitute one of the most versatile and dynamic poetic forms in the Hellenistic period. Originally modeled on the anonymous epitaphs and dedications inscribed on monuments throughout antiquity, these short poems came to include a variety of subtypes and served as a vehicle for Hellenistic poets to experiment with themes and motifs from other genres. This edition introduces students to a wide selection of epigrams from the third and second centuries BCE. It provides substantial help in construing the Greek and will be appropriate for those approaching the genre for the first time, whilst also containing material of interest to scholars. It includes work by the most important epigrammatists of this period, with substantial attention paid to the way these poets engage with the epigraphic and literary traditions. The Introduction provides an overview of the history of the genre and of its formal features, including dialect and meter.

  • Table of Contents

    1. The Origins of Literary Epigram
    2. ‘Genres’ of Hellenistic Epigram
    3. ‘Fictive’ and ‘Inscribed’ Epigrams
    4. Formal and Literary Aspects of Hellenistic Epigrams
    5. Transmission
    6. Organizing Principles of this Anthology

The New Politics of Olympos

Michael Brumbaugh

320 Pages | 5  – ISBN: 9780190059262

The New Politics of Olympos explores the dynamics of praise, power, and persuasion in Kallimachos’ hymns, detailing how they simultaneously substantiate and interrogate the radically new phenomenon of Hellenistic kingship taking shape during Kallimachos’ lifetime. Long before the Ptolemies invested vast treasure in establishing Alexandria as the center of Hellenic culture and learning, tyrants such as Peisistratos and Hieron recognized the value of poetry in advancing their political agendas. Plato, too, saw the vast power inherent in poetry, and famously advocated either censoring it (Republic) or harnessing it (Laws) for the good of the political community. As Xenophon notes in his Hieron and Pindar demonstrates in his politically charged epinikian hymns, wielding poetry’s power entails a complex negotiation between the poet, the audience, and political leaders. Kallimachos’ poetic medium for engaging in this dynamic, the hymn, had for centuries served as an unparalleled vehicle for negotiating with the super-powerful.

The New Politics of Olympos offers the first in-depth analysis of Kallimachos’ only fully extant poetry book, the Hymns, by examining its contemporary political setting, engagement with a tradition of political thought stretching back to Homer, and portrayal of the poet as an image-maker for the king. In addition to investigating the political dynamics in the individual hymns, this book details how the poet’s six hymns, once juxtaposed within a single bookroll, constitute a macro-narrative on the prerogatives of Ptolemaic kingship. Throughout the collection Kallimachos refigures the infamously factious divine family as a paradigm of stability and good governance in concert with the self-fashioning of the Ptolemaic dynasty. At the same time, the poet defines the characteristics and behaviors worthy of praise, effectively shaping contemporary political ethics. Thus, for a Ptolemaic reader, this poetry book may have served as an education in and inducement to good kingship.

Part I: On Zeus’ Kingship
Chapter 1: Zeus as a Paradigm for Dynastic Continuity
Seeing Double
The Encomiastic Challenge of a Zeus Narrative
The Persuasive Rhetoric of Political “Correction”

Chapter 2: Kallimachos’ Hymn “On Kingship”
Greatness, Justice, and the Politics of the Homeric Lottery
The Politics and Structures of Power in Zeus’ Regime
“Kings and Singers” Re-Figured

Chapter 3: The Poetics of Praise in the Hymn to Zeus
Praise Makes the King – On Deeds, Praise, and Power
Hymnic Expectations and Musings on the Poet’s Task

The (Meta)poetics of Rhea’s Search
Dramatizing the
Poetic Process

Part II: The Divine Family and the Ptolemaic Dynasty
Chapter 4: Apollo as a New Paradigm for Kingship
Poet as Client and Gatekeeper
Apollo (and) the King
Reading the Hymn in Context
A Poetics of Strife

Chapter 5: Saviors, Tyrants, and the Poetics of Empire
The Poetics of a Destabilized Kosmos
Apollo’s Ordered Regime and Universal Empire
Ptolemaic Thalassocracy in a Destabilized Mediterranean
The Dynastic Legacy of “Soterism”

Distinguishing Kingship from Tyranny

Chapter 6: On the Good Queen
The Emergence of Ptolemaic Queenship
Kallimachos’ Regal Goddesses

Conclusion: On the Good King According to Kallimachos
Figured Speech and the Didactics of Praise
Hymnic Paradeigmata – A
Kallimachean Katoptron Basileos?



Teocrito. I carmi eolici (Id. 28-31)

Viola Palmieri

edizionidellorso – Collana: Hellenica / ISSN 1825-3490

Isbn: 978-88-6274-908-4 – 240 pages

Nella proteiforme fenomenologia espressiva dell’ingegno poetico di Teocrito, gli idilli eolici rappresentano un caso unico e allo stesso tempo emblematico dell’intenso dialogo del poeta con il patrimonio letterario arcaico. Testimonianza importante dell’eredità della melica arcaica in età ellenistica, questi carmi trasportano il lettore antico e moderno in un vero e proprio viaggio nel tempo che, dopo secoli, riporta alla luce l’universo femminile saffico e quello del simposio arcaico di matrice alcaica: una vera e propria operazione “archeologica” che giunge a ricostruire finanche il dialetto e il metro in cui il modello eolico aveva trovato espressione. Raffinatezza, lirismo e charis caratterizzano sia la vivida descrittività della Conocchia, carme anatematico/encomiastico dedicato all’amico Nicia, sia la vivace rappresentazione dell’eros paidico nei carmi 29-31, in cui elementi tradizionali si fondono con il gusto alessandrino per immagini e lessico estremamente ricercati ed evocativi. Questo volume propone una nuova edizione critica dei carmi eolici di Teocrito, accompagnata da una traduzione italiana e da un’ampia introduzione al contesto culturale e letterario in cui essi sono immersi. Il dettagliato commento guiderà il lettore nella decodificazione e comprensione del complesso tessuto di riferimenti letterari, anteriori e coevi, in cui si snoda l’apparato espressivo teocriteo, mettendo di volta in volta in risalto i modelli di riferimento e i tratti di personale innovazione dell’autore.

Beyond Alexandria. Literature and Empire in the Seleucid World

Marijn S. Visscher

ISBN: 9780190059088

Beyond Alexandria aims to provide a better understanding of Seleucid literature, covering the period from Seleucus I to Antiochus III. Despite the historical importance of the Seleucid Empire during the long third century BCE, little attention has been devoted to its literature. The works of authors affiliated with the Seleucid court have tended to be overshadowed by works coming out of Alexandria, emerging from the court of the Ptolemies, the main rivals of the Seleucids. This book makes two key points, both of which challenge the idea that “Alexandrian” literature is coterminous with Hellenistic literature as a whole. First, the book sets out to demonstrate that a distinctly strand of writing emerged from the Seleucid court, characterized by shared perspectives and thematic concerns. Second,Beyond Alexandriaexplores how Seleucid literature was significant on the wider Hellenistic stage. Specifically, it shows that the works of Seleucid authors influenced and provided counterpoints to writers based in Alexandria, including key figures such as Eratosthenes and Callimachus. For this reason, the literature of the Seleucids is not only interesting in its own right; it also provides an important entry point for furthering our understanding of Hellenistic literature in general.

Table of Contents

Overview map
Seleucid literature
Chapter 1: Mapping the Realm
Mapping the Realm: Mental Maps and the Spectre of World Empire
On the Hellenistic Stage: Knowledge and Appropriation in Geography
Chapter 2: Babylon, City of Kings
The Kings and the City
The Voice of the Local Priests: Manetho and the Ptolemies
Chapter 3: Seleucid Crisis and the Ptolemaic Response
Cultural Polemic: the Lock of Berenice and Barbarian Asia
Meta-poetics and Inter-state Rivalry
Chapter 4: Poets and Politics at the Court of Antiochus III
Simonides: the Galatian Threat and the Struggle for Asia Minor
Euphorion of Chalcis and the Literary Court
Looking West: Hegesianax and the War with Rome

Demetrius the Besieger

Demetrius the Besieger offers the first historical and historiographical biography of Demetrius Poliorcetes (336-282 BC) to be published in English. Also known as ‘The Besieger of Cities’, Demetrius is an outstanding, yet enigmatic figure who presided over the disintegration of Alexander the Great’s Empire after 323 BC, and the most fascinating and high profile of the Diadochoi, or Successors to Alexander the Great. His campaigns, initiatives, and personal life bestride the opening forty years of the so-called ‘Hellenistic’ age and are pivotal in its formation as he became the first of the Hellenistic Kings. 

As his name suggests, Demetrius was prodigious in his military adventures, and profligate in his private life, rendering him an icon for artists, writers, politicians, and soldiers for many centuries. He was especially famous for his spectacular siege operations against enemy cities, and gained his unique nickname from his innovation in building gigantic siege engines, which became legendary in the ancient world. However, much of Demetrius’ life was enigmatic, oscillating wildly between successful and catastrophic ventures, and his intrinsic qualities remain debatable to this day. What is indisputable is that he presided over a formative period in history marked by great flux and enormous change. His endeavours resulted in the fusion of Asiatic and Greek cultures, producing the hybrid Hellenistic kingdoms which dominated the ancient world for some 200 years until the rise of the Roman Empire. The period is of crucial importance in ancient Greek history, and marks the point from which Hellenistic influence became fundamental in the development of modern Western culture.


Content :

List of Maps and Figures
List of Abbreviations
1: The Young Demetrius Poliorcetes
2: Demetrius and Phila
3: A Diadoch’s Apprenticeship
4: Demetrius in Syria, 315-312 BC
5: The Battle of Gaza
6: The Aftermath of Gaza
7: Demetrius in Babylonia
8: The Silent Years: 310-308 BC
9: The Antigonid ‘Liberation’ of Athens in 307 BC
10: Demetrius in Athens
11: The Antigonid Campaign in Cyprus, 306 BC
12: The Fruits of Victory: Kingship, Lamia, Africa
13: The Great Siege of Rhodes
14: Demetrius’ Return to Greece, 304-303 BC
15: The Mysteries and the League
16: The Campaign of Ipsus
17: Demetrius’ Flight
18: The Besieger Alone
19: Demetrius and Athens. Again
20: The Acquisition of Macedonia
21: King of the Macedonians
22: Demetrius the Living God
23: A New Anabasis?
24: Wolves at the Door: 288-285 BC
25: Demetrius’ Fortunes Unravel
26: The Final Campaign
27: The End of the Reign of Demetrius Poliorcetes
28: Conclusion
Appendix 1: The Colossus of Rhodes
Appendix 2: Chronology of the Life of Demetrius Poliorcetes (336-282 BC)

Féminités hellénistiques: voix, genre, représentations

ISBN: 9789042940697
E-ISBN: 9789042940703
PAGES: VIII-630 p.
C. Cusset, P. Belanfant, C.-E. Nardone (dir.)

Si le statut de la femme évolue de manière sensible entre l’époque classique et l’époque hellénistique, si certaines femmes jouent un rôle politique important, peut-on dire que dans l’univers poétique alexandrin la place de la femme se transforme ? Cette place de la femme dans la poésie alexandrine concerne les modalités de la prise de parole féminine et les conditions dans lesquelles un discours féminin est prononcé.

Les 25 communications réunies ici s’interrogent sur la dimension politique du discours féminin, sur l’influence du statut familial des femmes dans leur prise de parole, sur la divinisation de la femme de pouvoir, sur la femme comme figure d’altérité, sur les intertextualités du discours féminin marqué par le souvenir de Sappho ou d’Érinna, sur les occupations et fonctions féminines et leurs valeurs symboliques pour dire notamment l’activité poétique assumée par les poétesses et sur l’utilisation du bi-culturalisme gréco-égyptien dans les représentations hellénistiques.

Aitia 9.1 (2019): Le bouvier dans la poésie hellénistique et le roman grec

Sous la direction de Jérôme BASTICK, Christophe CUSSET et Claire VIEILLEVILLE

Dans la poésie bucolique, le bouvier est avec les autres pâtres un personnage essentiel et éminent – à partir de la figure légendaire et fondatrice de Daphnis. La présence du bouvier ne se limite toutefois pas à cet univers générique précis, on le voit peupler l’espace de différents autres genres littéraires depuis Homère et la poésie archaïque.

Les textes réunis dans ce volume mettent en relation deux représentations concurrentes du bouvier dans la poésie hellénistique et dans le roman de l’époque impériale ; ils visent à mettre en lumière les potentialités poétiques, dramatiques et anthropologiques de cette figure pastorale.

Alexandra Rozokoki

Parution de l’ouvrage suivant : 

Alexandra Rozokoki, The negative presentation of the Greeks in Lycophron’s Alexandra and the dating of the poem.


Athens: Ekdoseis Koralli, 2019.

110p., 10,60 €.

ISBN: 9789609542630

The disparagement of the Greeks and the pro-Trojan attitude that pervade the Alexandra, culminating in the encomium to Rome/new Troy (Alex. 1226-82, 1446-50), suggest that the poem was composed for the gratification of the Romans. The segment Alex, 1226-82 alludes to the dominion of the Romans over the Italian peninsula, as this was sealed by the defeat of Pyrrhus (275 BC) and completed with the subordination of the cities of Magna Graecia (272/270 BC). Before Rome could begin further expansion to the East and West, it had first to consolidate its domination of the Italian peninsula, which, once accomplished, was a brilliant achievement. The words γης και θαλάσσης σκήπτρα και μοναρχίαν λαβόντες (Alex. 1229-30) declare that Rome, alone and unopposed, rules the land of Italy (from Pisa. Ariminum, to the Straits of Messina) and the surrounding seas (Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian). The creator of the Alexandra is the poet and grammarian Lycophron of Chalcis about whom there is evidence that he maintained kinship bonds with Rhegium in Southern Italy. Numerous of the poet’s objectives lying behind the writing of the Alexandra are illuminated through details known about his life as well as via the observations I have made concerning historical events and social conditions of the cities of Magna Graecia from the era of colonization until the 3rd cent. BC: among these are the emphatic reference to Scylla, aversion to anything Locrian, the championing of the Messenian heroes (the Apharetidae) and the criticism of the Spartans’ guile. (From the publisher)

Η υποτίμηση των Ελλήνων και η φιλοτρωική διάθεση που διαπερνά την Αλεξάνδρα με αποκορύφωση το εγκώμιο προς τη Ρώμη/νέα Τροία (Αλεξ. 1226-82. 1446-50) υποδεικνύουν ότι το ποίημα έχει συντεθεί προς ευχαρίστηση των Ρωμαίων. Το κομμάτι Αλεξ. 1226-82 αφορά στην κυριαρχία των Ρωμαίων επί της ιταλικής χερσονήσου, όπως αυτή σφραγίστηκε με την ήττα του Πύρρου (275 π.Χ.) κι ολοκληρώθηκε με την υποταγή των πόλεων της Μ. Ελλάδας (272/270 π.Χ.). Προτού η Ρώμη αρχίσει την περαιτέρω επέκταση προς ανατολάς και δυσμάς, έπρεπε πρώτα να εδραιώσει την κυριαρχία της στην ιταλική χερσόνησο, πράγμα που αποτελούσε μεγάλο κατόρθωμα. Η φράση γης και θαλάσσης σκήπτρα και μοναρχίαν λαβόντες (Αλεξ. 1229-30) υπαινίσσεται ότι η Ρώμη εξουσιάζει μόνη κι ανενόχλητη τη γη της Ιταλίας (από την Πίσα, το Ariminum μέχρι τον πορθμό της Μεσσήνης) και τις γύρω θάλασσες (Αδριατική, Ιόνιο, Τυρρηνικό). Δημιουργός της Αλεξάνδρας είναι ο ποιητής και γραμματικός Λυκόφρων από τη Χαλκίδα, για τον οποίο μαρτυρούνται συγγενικοί δεσμοί με το κατωιταλιωτικό Ρήγιο. Μέσα από βιογραφικά στοιχεία του ποιητή αλλά και μέσα από αναγωγές σε ιστορικά γεγονότα και κοινωνικές καταστάσεις των πόλεων της Μ. Ελλάδας από την εποχή του αποικισμού μέχρι τον 3ο αι. π.Χ., φωτίζονται διάφορα σημεία του ποιήματος όπως είναι η εμφατική αναφορά στη Σκύλλα, η απέχθεια σ’ οτιδήποτε λοκρικό, η προβολή των Μεσσηνίων ηρώων (Αφαρητίδες) και ο ψόγος των Σπαρτιατών ως πανούργων. (Από την παρουσίαση στο οπισθόφυλλο του βιβλίου)

Callimachus Revisited. New Perspectives in Callimachean Scholarship

Editors:  Klooster J.J.H., Harder M.A., Regtuit R.F., Wakker G.C.

Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-90-429-3850-2
Pages: VI-394 p.
Price: 83 EURO

This special volume of the Hellenistica Groningana, in honour of the achievements and career of Professor M.A. Harder revisits the poetry of Callimachus (theme of two earlier Hellenistic Workshops).

A number of renowned international scholars in the field of Hellenistic studies reflect on new perspectives in Callimachean scholarship, inspired among others by Annette Harder’s 2012 edition of Callimachus’ Aetia. Their questions aim to contextualize and analyze Callimachus’ poetry in novel ways, inspired by both new literary theory and historical insights and a solid body of existing scholarship. How do Callimachus’ learned elegies relate to the genre of didactic poetry? How do his aetiological narratives straddle the border between fiction and reality? What is their basis in Hellenistic scholarship, and in Near Eastern or Egyptian poetic traditions? How and why do later Greek poets incorporate Callimachean poetics, and so facilitate his reception in Latin poetry? What is Callimachus’ attitude to gods and divine rulers in his hymnic poetry? These and many more questions are addressed, creating new perspectives in Callimachean scholarship, as the title indicates.

Callimachus – Richard Rawles

Callimachus was one of the most important Greek poets, and can also be one of the most rewarding to read. He was a pivotal figure in the history of ancient literature and an influential presence in later ancient poetry, including Catullus and Vergil. Yet his work is not read and enjoyed as much as it could be. This new volume in the popular Ancients in Action series seeks to bring Callimachus to a wide audience, addressing the problems with currently available scholarship, which assumes a professional level of expertise, including full knowledge of Greek.

Rawles presents a much-needed introduction to Callimachus’ poetry and is intended for the non-specialist reader and student, assuming no knowledge of Greek. The book is organised in thematic chapters, rich in quotation (in translation), with selective annotations and guidance for further study and reading


Christophe CUSSET
Études grecques

La découverte du papyrus Bodmer au milieu du siècle dernier a restitué une pièce complète de Ménandre(342-292) : “Dyscolos”. Depuis les études sur le fameux dramaturge se sont beaucoup développées. Si les éditions des pièces les mieux conservées de Ménandre se sont multipliées ces dernières années, il convient aussi de revisiter les pièces plus fragmentaires à la lumière de nos dernières connaissance sur le sujet. C’est dans cette perspective qu’est menée ici une étude renouvelée des fragments de la pièce intitulée “L’Apparition” dont l’importance est attestée par de nombreux témoins.

Spécialiste de la poésie hellénistique et de la Comédie Nouvelle, Christophe Cusset est professeur de littérature grecque à l’ENS de Lyon. Il s’intéresse en particulier aux questions de poétique et d’intertextualité.

Pastori antichi e moderni. Teocrito e le origini popolari della poesia bucolica

Emanuele Lelli

Hildesheim, Olms, 2017. 2. Auflage 2019

Spudasmata ; Bd. 174.

Da alcuni anni, Emanuele Lelli ha sviluppato e divulgato un metodo di ricerca che unisce alla filologia l’approccio comparativo proprio delle discipline demoetnoantropologiche: la “demofilologia”. Conducendo decine e decine di interviste nella realtà agropastorale del nostro meridione – le società storicamente e culturalmente discendenti da quella greca e romana – Lelli ha dimostrato che la memoria degli anziani contadini dell’Aspromonte o dei pastori abruzzesi, degli allevatori salentini o dei caprai dei Nebrodi, conserva in modo sorprendente, per ininterrotta tradizione orale, credenze, superstizioni, gesti quotidiani, rimedi terapeutici, motivi di canto, proverbi ed espressioni idiomatiche, di cui anche i più idealizzati classici sono permeati.

In particolare, nel suo ultimo lavoro, Pastori antichi e moderni. Teocrito e le origini popolari della poesia bucolicaLelli applica il metodo ”demofilologico” agli idilli di Teocrito, un autore che come pochi altri offre ai lettori un repertorio straordinario di tratti di cultura popolare: proverbi, motivi di canto tradizionale, superstizioni e credenze, che divengono pienamente comprensibili solo grazie alla comparazione folklorica con le tradizioni del mondo agropastorale moderno. Anche sulla base di testimonianze epigrafiche e archeologiche correlate al mondo contadino antico, l’Autore argomenta che di tutti questi elementi della quotidianità del mondo agropastorale Teocrito si fa non imitatore, come diffusamente ritenuto, bensì testimone, trasponendo in letteratura le tradizioni orali di canto pastorale ancora presenti nel contesto euromediterraneo. Esaminando la letteratura antica alla luce di una cultura “materiale” popolare che davvero sembra manifestarsi immutata nel trascorrere dei secoli, le ricerche di Lelli rivelano dunque la possibilità di compiere un viaggio della memoria in una duplice direzione: non solo dagli antichi a noi, ma anche dall’oggi al passato.

ISBN9783487156361 (paperback) 3487156369 (paperback)