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Approches pluridisciplinaires de la poésie hellénistique et de l’image antique

Annonce de soutenance

Evelyne Prioux soutiendra à l’ENS de Lyon son dossier d’Habilitation à Diriger des recherches sur le thème “Approches pluridisciplinaires de la poésie hellénistique et de l’image antique”, le samedi 10 avril 2021 à 14h00 (par Visio-conférence), devant un jury composé de :

M. le Pr. Christophe Cusset, garant (ENS Lyon)

M. le Pr. Benjamin Acosta-Hughes (Ohio State University)

Mme le Pr. Bénédicte Delignon (ENS Lyon)

Mme le Pr. Kathryn J. Gutzwiller (University of Cincinnati)

M. le Pr. Eugenio Polito (Université de Cassino)

M. le Pr. Renaud Robert (Université Bordeaux 3).

Le mémoire inédit que je présente à l’appui de ma candidature porte sur les métaphores qui comparent les arts du langage aux arts visuels dans la littérature grecque et latine, des origines à Byzance. Si l’on limite ramène souvent cette question à l’analyse d’un corpus de textes réduits (par exemple l’aphorisme attribué à Simonide — « la poésie est une peinture parlante » — ou la question de « ut pictura poesis » chez Horace), j’ai voulu montrer que le corpus de textes disponibles était extrêmement vaste et varié et qu’il était possible de suivre les évolutions de ces métaphores et leur glissement d’un art à l’autre. Mon mémoire aborde donc successivement la sculpture, la toreutique, la joaillerie, la peinture et la mosaïque. Ce travail a vu le jour dans le cadre de la préparation du Dictionnaire du poétique dont je prépare actuellement l’édition avec J.-P. Guez, F. Klein, J. Peigney (180 auteurs de 16 nationalités différentes). Si je me suis chargée de la rédaction de l’ensemble des notices portant sur les métaphores tirées des arts figurés, ce dictionnaire, actuellement en cours d’achèvement, offre, dans son ensemble, une somme inédite qui étudie les principales métaphores métapoétiques identifiées à ce jour dans la littérature antique.

Hellenistic Epigrams. A Selection

Alexander Sens

isbn: 9780521614818

  • Greek ‘literary’ epigrams constitute one of the most versatile and dynamic poetic forms in the Hellenistic period. Originally modeled on the anonymous epitaphs and dedications inscribed on monuments throughout antiquity, these short poems came to include a variety of subtypes and served as a vehicle for Hellenistic poets to experiment with themes and motifs from other genres. This edition introduces students to a wide selection of epigrams from the third and second centuries BCE. It provides substantial help in construing the Greek and will be appropriate for those approaching the genre for the first time, whilst also containing material of interest to scholars. It includes work by the most important epigrammatists of this period, with substantial attention paid to the way these poets engage with the epigraphic and literary traditions. The Introduction provides an overview of the history of the genre and of its formal features, including dialect and meter.

  • Table of Contents

    1. The Origins of Literary Epigram
    2. ‘Genres’ of Hellenistic Epigram
    3. ‘Fictive’ and ‘Inscribed’ Epigrams
    4. Formal and Literary Aspects of Hellenistic Epigrams
    5. Transmission
    6. Organizing Principles of this Anthology

Séminaire virtuel de poésie hellénistique. Autour de la féminité

Matinée :

10h00 : Massimo Giuseppetti (Université Roma Tre) : « Reading the Silence: intertextuality and Narratorial Authority in Callimachus’ Acontius and Cydippe »

10h45 : Bénédicte Delignon (ENS de Lyon) : « Quelques remarques sur Acontius et Cydippe dans les HéroïdesXX et XXI d’Ovide »

11h30 : Rafael J. Gallé Cejudo (Université de Cadix – ENS de Lyon) : « L’audace des femmes dans l’élégie hellénistique »

Après-midi :

14h00 : Myrtille Rémond (Toronto – ENS de Lyon) : « La vieille femme dans les Idylles de Théocrite »

14h45 : Christophe Cusset (ENS de Lyon) : « Enjeux de la parole féminine dans le poème Mégara attribué à Moschos »

Participer à la réunion Zoom :

PhD position in hellenistic poetry at Nijmegen University

Jacqueline Klooster draws our attention to a funded PhD program in Hellenistic poetry at Nijmegen University (via the Anchoring Innovation scheme in which she will be involved as one of the supervisors (deadline for application is April 2021).
If you should know of any talented students who would be interested in such a program, please do not hesitate to have them contact her.
Dr. J.J.H.Klooster
Assistant professor of Greek Literature
Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 26 
9712 EK Groningen
office 1311.427

Approches Linguistiques de la langue d’Apollonios de Rhodes

Journée d’études – Lyon, 30 septembre 2019 – ENS de Lyon -Buisson D8001


9h-9h30 : Accueil des participants

9h30-9h45 : Ouverture 

9h45-10h30 : Daniel Kölligan, Université de Cologne : « Possession and the history of the genitive in Apollonius Rhodius»

10h30-11h15 : Julia Del Treppo, Université Paris Sorbonne : « Imiter Homère : sur la tmèse chez Apollonios de Rhodes »

11h15-12h : Emmanuelle Morel, Université Lumière Lyon 2 : « Apollonios de Rhodes et le vocabulaire homérique : les  verbes en ‑ιάωet les verbes en –άωà vocalisme ō »

12h-13h30 : Pause déjeuner

13h30-14h15 : Alain Blanc, Université de Rouen Normandie, «Anthroponymes et toponymes »

14h15-15h : Maria Margherita Cardella,  Université de Milan : « Les composés nominaux à premier membre ἐν° dans les Argonautiques: entre tradition et innovation »  

15h-15h45 : Eric Dieu, Université Toulouse II :« Le meilleur et le pire chez Apollonios de Rhodes, ou de l’art d’être plus “homérique” qu’Homère »

15h45 : Clôture



Bourse HiSoMA

The Research Center HiSoMA, History and Sources of the Ancient Worlds (UMR 5189), is one of the research centers federated within the Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée-Jean Pouilloux (MOM). Its research activity focuses on the study of ancient worlds, covering a wide geographical area (from Gaul to the Indian subcontinent, via Egypt and the Levant) as well as a large chronological range (from the Old Pharaonic Empire up to the Late Antiquity, even up to the High Middle Ages) and encompassing all disciplines of Classics (archaeology, history, literature, linguistics, philology, patristics, epigraphy, numismatics, iconography). The center gathers close to 80 full time researchers, as many doctoral students, and about 90 associate researchers, all supported by administrative and technical engineersand contractors.

With its dynamic scientific activity, its precious library and its strong anchoring in Lyon, one of Europe’s major cities, HiSoMA has decided now to open to young foreign researchers a dedicated support to make their own research, giving them access to its research environment (specialists, library) through the creation of a new HiSoMA fellowship.

Bourse HiSoMA_Call for application_3

« Les phytonymes dans la poésie grecque archaïque et hellénistique (Hésiode, Théocrite) »

Dans le cadre du projet ANR AgroCCol, nous aurons le plaisir d’entendre le lundi 24 juin, à 10h (ENS de Lyon, D4-024), une communication d’Hamidou Richer intitulée : « Les phytonymes dans la poésie grecque archaïque et hellénistique (Hésiode, Théocrite) »

Résumé : L’étude des phytonymes et des poèmes hésiodiques permet d’éclaircir bien des points de l’idylle X de Théocrite, qui met en scène des moissonneurs et non des pâtres. La communication abordera en particulier quatre questions : quelle plante désigne le terme cactos ? Pourquoi appeler une joueuse de flûte Bombyka ? Comment se moquer d’un moissonneur amoureux ? Lityersès chantait-il les poèmes d’Hésiode, lorsqu’il coupait des têtes ?


Hamidou Richer, ancien élève de l’ENS Ulm, agrégé de grammaire, est docteur de l’université de Lyon et membre associé de l’ERIAC (EA 4705). Après avoir consacré sa thèse à la constitution  de la poésie bucolique comme genre littéraire et à sa réception, il travaille actuellement sur la vie de Théocrite et les épigrammes de l’anthologie palatine.

Vous y êtes chaleureusement invité.e.s !

Cette conférence a lieu dans le cadre du projet AgroCCol. Pour en savoir plus :

Contact :

Project Margins of Learning: the scholia on Apollonius’ Argonautica

4-year PhD scholarship

Project Margins of Learning: the scholia on Apollonius’ Argonautica

Deadline Friday 3rd May 2019

The Department of Classics at Trinity College Dublin seeks applicants for a fully-funded four-year Provost’s PhD Project Award to start a PhD on a topic related to the scholia on Apollonius’ Argonautica in September 2019 or March 2020. The successful applicant will be enrolled in the Structured PhD Programme and collaborate in a research group with other PhD students working on Greek hexameter poetry and its reception. The award comprises the full PhD tuition fees (at EU or non-EU level) and an annual stipend of €16,000. Trinity’s Provost’s PhD Project Awards are generously funded through alumni donations and Trinity’s Commercial Revenue Unit.

Apollonius of Rhodes’ Hellenistic epic Argonautica attracted much scholarship already in antiquity thanks to the poet’s pervasive engagement with ‘learned’ sources. This scholarship mainly survives in medieval scholia, which are a key source for hundreds of Greek mythographers, local historians and geographers whose works are no longer extant. The Apollonius-scholia provide important information on many areas of ancient intellectual endeavour, but they are difficult to use and evaluate.

Within the project ‘Margins of Learning’ possible areas for PhD research include (but are not limited to):

  • genesis of the corpus
  • the manuscripts preserving the scholia
  • indirect transmission of Apollonius-scholarship in sources such as lexica
  • the scholia as source for lost authors and works
  • critical-exegetical methods, interests and terminology
  • the scholia’s place in intellectual history

Potential applicants are invited to contact Dr Martine Cuypers ( for full project and application information and to consult on their research proposal. Applications including a research proposal, cv, transcripts, and two academic references must be submitted electronically to Ms Eilís Dunne at by Friday 3rd  May 2019.

Hyblaea avena. Reception of Theocritus in Greek and Latin Literature of the Roman Imperial and Early Modern Period

Pipes being handed down from one shepherd to another in the tradition of music making can easily be imagined as a scenario in real life, whether in ancient times or today. And indeed, some pipes from antiquity are still in use 2000 years later, at least metaphorically speaking. Easy to track are the ones Theocritus used in creating the genre of pastoral poetry with idyllic landscapes and characters that seem to be transported from their real life duties and dialogues into the realm of verses. His pipes are depicted as the instrument of the predecessor offered to a poet of a new era and language in Virgil’s 10th eclogue (Verg. ecl. 10,51: carmina pastoris Siculi modulabor avena), and are from there given to another even later poet in Theocritus’ and Virgil’s footsteps, Calpurnius Siculus (Calp. 4,62f.: Tityrus hanc [sc. fistulam] habuit, cecinit qui primus in istis / montibus Hyblaea modulabile carmen avena).

DATE: 15-16/11/2018

LOCATION: Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Wuppertal, Germany)

ORGANIZER: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Weise (Bergische Universität Wuppertal); Anne-Elisabeth Beron, M.A. (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)


2 PhD positions in the field of Hellenistic festival culture

We are pleased to announce 2 PhD positions in the field of Hellenistic festival culture, at the University of Groningen, starting 1 February, 2019.
Application deadline is 9 September, 2018 before midnight (Dutch time). For details, also on how to apply, see the announcement:
A third related PhD project on Rome-oriented cults and festivals will soon be advertised separately as part of the Anchoring Innovation research initiative of the Dutch National Research School in Classical Studies – OIKOS –
More information on the projects may be found at:
contact via Prof. O.M. van Nijf:  or Dr. C.G. Williamson:

Kind regards,

Dr. Christina Williamson
Asst. Professor Ancient History
University of Groningen
P.O. Box 716 | 9700AS Groningen | NETHERLANDS

The Poets of Alexandria

Susan A. Stephens

9781848858794. –  192 pages
I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd

Alexandria was the greatest of the new cities founded by Alexander the Great as his armies swept eastward. It was ruled by his successors, the Ptolemies, who presided over one of the richest and most productive periods in the whole of Greek literature. Susan A Stephens here reveals a cultural world in transition: reverential of the compositions of the past (especially after construction of the great library, repository for all previous Greek oeuvres), but at the same time forward-looking and experimental, willing to make use of previous forms of writing in exciting new ways. The author examines Alexandria’s poets in turn. She discusses the strikingly avant-garde Aetia of Callimachus; the idealized pastoral forms of Theocritus (which anticipated the invention of fiction); and the neo-Homerian epic of Apollonius, the Argonautica, with its impressive combination of narrative grandeur and psychological acuity. She shows that all three poets were innovators, even while they looked to the past for inspiration: drawing upon Homer, Hesiod, Pindar and the lyric poets, they emphasized stories and material that were entirely relevant to their own progressive cosmopolitan environment.

Susan A Stephens is Sara Hart Kimball Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Classics at Stanford University. Her books include Seeing Double: Intercultural Poetics in Ptolemaic Alexandria (2003), Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets (with Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, 2012) and Callimachus: The Hymns (2015).

The Materiality of Hellenistic Ruler Cults

This two-day event is part of an ongoing research project: Practicalities of Hellenistic Ruler Cults (PHRC). PHRC investigates Greek ritual practice as addressed to political leaders in the Hellenistic world, from Alexander to Augustus.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 31/05-01/06/2018

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Université de Liège, 7 Place du Vingt Août, Bâtiment A, Salle de l’Horlôg,  (Liège, Belgium)






Thursday 31 May

8.30 – 9.00: Welcome

9.00 – 9.15: Stefano Caneva (F.R.S.-FNRS – ULiège), “Introduction”

First session: “Media, supports, and circulation”

Chair: – Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (Collège de France – ULiège)

9.15 – 10.00: Stefano Caneva (F.R.S.-FNRS – ULiège), “L’importance de la matérialité. Le rôle des petits autels, plaques et bases inscrits dans la compréhension des cultes pour les souverains”

10.00 – 10.45: Stefan Pfeiffer (Universität Halle), “What do offerings and libations for the king in Egyptian temples mean? Remarks on the correlation of the hyper-formula and the cult in Egyptian temples”

11.00 – 11.45: Olga Palagia (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), “Cult statues of the Ptolemies and the Attalids”

11.45 – 12.30: Anna Bertelli (Università di Padova), “Heroized citizens and divine rulers: Differences and comparisons between their cult places”

Second session: “Ritual space and practice”

Chair: Yann Berthelet (ULiège)

14.30 – 15.15: Rolf Strootman (Universiteit Utrecht) – Christina Williamson (Universiteit Groningen), “Creating a Royal Landscape: Hekatomnid Use of Sacred Sites in Fourth-Century Karia”

15.45 – 16.00: Mario Paganini (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften), “Ruler Cult in Private Settings: The Gymnasia and Associations of Hellenistic Egypt”

16.15 – 17.00: Zoé Pitz (F.R.S.-FNRS – ULiège), “Le choix des animaux sacrificiels dans les cultes des souverains et bienfaiteurs hellénistiques”

17.00 – 17.45: Stefano Caneva (F.R.S.-FNRS – ULiège), “Incense in Hellenistic ruler cults”

Friday 1st June

Third session: “Agency and Funding”

Chair: Stefano Caneva (F.R.S.-FNRS – ULiège)

9.15 – 10.15: Panagiotis Iossif (Belgian School at Athens – Radboud University) – Catharine Lorber (American Numismatic Society) “Who pays the bill? Monetary aspects of royal cult in the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms”

10.15 – 10.45: Stefano Caneva (F.R.S.-FNRS – ULiège) – Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (Collège de France – ULiège), “Conclusions”

Workshop: “Religion grecque, épigraphie et humanités numériques à l’ULiège”

11.00 – 12.00: Stefano Caneva (F.R.S.-FNRS – ULiège) – Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (Collège de France – ULiège), “Religion et épigraphie grecques à la rencontre des humanités numériques. Présentation des projets Collection of Greek Ritual Norms (CGRN) et Practicalities of Hellenistic Ruler Cults (PHRC)”

The Materiality of Hellenistic Ruler Cults

31 May – 1st June 2018

Université de Liège, Belgium.

Contributors include: S. Caneva, S. Pfeiffer, O. Palagia, A. Bertelli, R. Strootman, Ch. Williamson, M. Paganini, Z. Pitz, P. Iossif, C. Lorber, B. Dignas, and V. Pirenne-Delforge

The programme will soon be available.

This two-day event is part of an ongoing research project: Practicalities of Hellenistic Ruler Cults (PHRC). PHRC investigates Greek ritual practice as addressed to political leaders in the Hellenistic world, from Alexander to Augustus.

At a further level of the project development, a website will provide free access to XML-encoded, semantically annotated editions of a growing number of relevant Greek inscriptions, starting from the Aegean islands, Asia Minor, and Cyprus. Each text will be accompanied by an English commentary and by multilingual translations (English, Italian, French). Direct links to many internal and external authority lists will also be available, to make PHRC a useful e-tool for students and researchers. All the project-produced material is released with a free license CC-BY-SA 4.0 International.

For those interested in the development of the projet and in sharing news about relevant publications and events, a fb page @PHRCsocial has been created.
Stefano Caneva