3. November
14h-Dr Ciro Parodo (Cagliari) : Cybele and Apollonis: The Mother Goddess and the Queen of Pergamon
14h45- D. Thomas J. Nelson (Oxford) : Apollonis of Cynics and the Pergamene Politics of Divine Motherhood
16h- Gunnar Dumke (Halle) : Goddesses on Hellenistic Royal Coinages
16h45- Pr. Dr. Ivana Petrovic (Virginia) : Nymphs in Hellenistic Poetry and in contemporary cult
17h30- Pr. Dr. Peter Bing (Toronto) : Replicating a Goddess. The Dissemination of Hellenistic Isis Aretalogies
4. November
10h- Dr Monica D’Agostini (Bergamo) : Water and Queens in Asia Minor
10h45- Dr Michele Solitario (Tübingen) : Political Motherhood in Callimachus’ Hymn to Zeus
11h45- Pr. Dr. Giulia Pedrucci (Verona) : Athena and the Aretaphorae: The maternal training for Greek maidens.
14h30- Pr. Dr. Christophe Cusset (Lyon). The Olympian goddesses as substitutes for the traditional Muse in Callimachus and Apollonius of Rhodes ?
15h15- Pr. Dr. Michael Brumbaugh (Tulane): Good Queens and Wicked Goddesses in Kallimachos’praise poetry.
16h15- Pr. Dr. Benjamin Acosta-Hughes (Ohio State): Arsinoe-Aphrodite in Image and Text
17h- Pr. Dr. Regina Höschele (Toronto). “Where has he seen her naked?” Praxiteles’ Knidian Aphrodite and Apelles’ Aphrodite Anadyomene in epigram.
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Christophe Cusset (30 octobre 2022). The Politics of Female Divinity in the Hellenistic Period. Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter. Consulté le 5 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/phix